About Us

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MBA Fakhro’s Venture Building unit creates new companies from scratch all over the world. We have offices in Bahrain, Kerala, Bangalore, Silicon Valley, and Shenzhen where we launch these businesses.

We decide what kind of venture to build next by analyzing the macroeconomic situation. We try to forecast macroeconomic trends and invest capital to profit from them.

One of our forecasts is that new industries will emerge faster and faster because of technological progress. We think that this will give us chances to do R&D and create leaders in what we think will be the future’s main industries. We have started many businesses worldwide in areas like artificial intelligence, machine learning, biotech, business automation software, fintech, electric cars, drones, websites, apps, Greentech, electronics manufacturing services, and the Internet of things. We use our network of offices in the US, India, the Middle East, and China for this goal, to make outstanding global businesses that come from our R&D labs.

Another forecast we have is that people in developing markets will spend more of their incomes on education, health, and food as they earn more. Based on this idea, we have launched many ventures in education, health, and foods in developing markets, either by partnering with major global brands or by making our own brands.

If we come up with an invention or innovation that has potential, or if we find a franchise, licensing deal, or business idea that fits our standards in terms of business philosophy and return on investment, then we create a fully-owned subsidiary company to hold the rights to the proprietary information and hire a great team to make it happen.